Aces Scholarship - now accepting applications!, News (Stratford Aces Girls Hockey)

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Mar 10, 2024 | Kaye McLagan | 2222 views
Aces Scholarship - now accepting applications!
The Aces organization in partnership with Taylor Fluid Systems is proud to start accepting submissions for the 2023/2024 Stratford Aces Scholarships. There are three (3) educational scholarships available, each worth $1500. These one-time scholarships can be put towards any post-secondary institute that the recipient chooses.

The Aces and Taylor Fluids see this as a great opportunity to recognize and support players that have dedicated their time, hard work and passion to the game of hockey as Aces.

Completed essays are to be submitted to
[email protected].
Be sure to include your reference letter along with your essay.
Essay submission deadline: Friday, April 5th at 11:59pm
Please see Aces Scholarship for more information.

Best of luck to all the players that submit for the opportunity to be awarded a
scholarship. A special thank-you to Chris Taylor and Taylor Fluid Systems for
their support of this amazing initiative! 