Dec 15, 2013 | Joe Tigani | 828 views
Hahn puts up a wall over snowy weekend.
Another home stand proves successful for the Novice C Perth Auto Dismantlers coming out of the weekend with two victories at home. Nicole Hahn, playing goal for the first time this year shut down both visitor teams giving her team two shutouts. Strong play of the defensive unit by Hailey Scott, Belle Houle, Brooklyn Chadwick and Clara Schuster helped keep the puck out of the net. Saturday, the girls beat the the South Huron Sabres 2-0 in a tight back and forth game. Goals were scored by Olivia Harding and Avery Nickel. On Sunday, the Novice girls won 5-0 over the Lambeth Lancers. Scoring her first goal of the year was Sienna Wildgust followed by two goals by Olivia Harding and goals by Anna Tigani and Ella Van Bakel.
Written by: Paul Schuster