All parents registering and sending payments - please read this important message!
Please note when submitting registration payments that Ramp registration is not live.
This means when the make a payment to
[email protected] you will not see an update on your Ramp registration page immediately.
This all has to be entered in manual by the Registrar.
When making your registration payment by E-transfer please include the following in the notes: player name, team and if you are submitting a payment with refund deducted please note that as well.
If you have any questions please contact the treasurer at [email protected] or the Registrar at [email protected]
Below is the summary of refunds that can be deducted from payments for players that were in the Aces Organization in 2021-22
2021 / 2022 Refunds
U9 both team – no refund
U11 all team - $100.00
U13AA - $260.00
U13A - $180.00
U13C - $200.00
U15AA - $93.76 (Extra Ice Paid by team)
U15A - $200.00
U15C - $100.00
U18A - $220.00
U18BB - $300.00