Hope everyone is having a good summer.
We just wanted to thank everyone for your support through the past two years of Aces Hockey. It has been a roller coaster of changes due to COVID-19 but I think we weathered it well as an organization. Thank you for your patience as we worked through our 21/22 season review. It is now complete and with the boards approval
below are the refunds that will be applied to 22/23 season accounts.
In an effort to save time and expenses, individual cheques will not be mailed out to families like we did at the end of 20/21 season.
If you have paid 22/23 season in full or are no longer part of the organization, cheques will be mailed out. (Approx. 3 weeks)
Refund figures were determined, on a team by team bases by reviewing ice, (practices, games,) Tournaments, etc.
2021 / 2022 Refunds
U9 both team – no refund
U11 all team - $100.00
U13AA - $260.00
U13A - $180.00
U13C - $200.00
U15AA - $93.76 (Extra Ice Paid by team)
U15A - $200.00
U15C - $100.00
U18A - $220.00
U18BB - $300.00
Any questions please contact Steve Campbell - SGHA Treasurer at [email protected]