May 25, 2022 | Jan Ballantyne | 1109 views
AGM Constitutional change proposals
The following changes to the Constitution have been proposed. Each item will be voted on at the Annual AGM which will take place on June 8th at 6:00pm at the Tim Taylor Lounge at RBC.
Change date from August 30, 2021 to June 8, 2022
Under Article 6: The Board of Directors: l) Directors at Large (7) - change to 6
Under Article 6: The Board of Directors: m) Special Events Coordinator - Remove "1 or 2 may jointly hold this position and share the duties listed below, each as a voting member"
Under Article 6: The Board of Directors: o) House League Convenor - Remove this position
Under Immediate Past President shall: b) Will have a vote in all meetings - add "but if not present will not be part of the quorum
Under The League Liaison shall: a) remove Lower Lakes Female Hockey League, b) remove LLFHL
Under The Players/Coach Development shall: b) remove "for both rep and houseleague" and change to "all"
Under The Directors at Large shall: a) change from seven to six