Aug 05, 2021 | Jan Ballantyne | 2581 views
Aces Tryouts - Tryout Registration and Information
IMPORTANT: Please read the following information regarding tryouts for the 2021-22 season Peewee and Bantam AA tryouts will take place starting Aug 15th. Remainder of teams will begin tryouts after Labour Day.
You must preregister for the tryout using the online form
Tryout Registration Form
Cost: $60.00 payable at the 1st tryout and must be paid before player can go on the ice - NO EXCEPTIONS.
There are no discounts or refunds of the tryout fee.
Players may be released after the first 2 skates. Anyone not present for the first 2 skates may be released after one skate.
Players coming from another centre MUST bring a signed Permission to Skate form from their home centre.
Anyone entering the arena will need to complete a COVID screening - you will be given this link after pre-registering.
The tryout schedule can be found at TRYOUT SCHEDULE. Please check back often as changes can often occur.