Proposed AGM changes, News (Stratford Aces Girls Hockey)

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Jun 22, 2020 | Jan Ballantyne | 2584 views
Proposed AGM changes
Please see the proposed changes to the Constitution that will be voted on at the AGM on Thursday June 25th. (highlighted in red)
Attendance is open to anyone for the AGM but you must register online at AGM Registration

Proposed changes to the AGM:

The Board shall consist of the following Directors:

a)    President 

b)    Past President             

c)    Vice President

d)    League Liaison                                                           

e)    Treasurer

f)     Registrar                                                                                             

g)    Ice Scheduling/Webmaster 

h)    Tournament Director(s) (2)

i)      Players/Coach Development

j)      Secretary                                                                    

k)    Equipment Manager

l)      Directors at Large (7)

m)   Special Events Coordinator

·         1 or 2 may jointly hold this position and share the duties listed below, each as a voting member

n)    Sponsorship/Public Relations

o)    House League Convenor(s)Remove as we haven’t had house league for the past 3 years now. (as per S. Cameron)

·         2 or 3 persons may jointly hold this position and share the duties listed below, each as a voting member)

p)    Rep Convenor(s)

·         2 or 3 persons may jointly hold this position and share the duties listed below, each as a voting member Remove as this role has been a sole position only and we haven’t had a need for more than 1 person for the past 3 years - (as per S. Cameron)


The Treasurer shall:

(a)  be responsible for all finances of the Association.

(b)  keep accurate records of all financial transactions of the Association.

(c)  submit a report at all Board of Director Meetings.

(d)  have cosigning authority of all cheques along with the President and Vice President.

(e)  prepare year-end financials by last Board meeting prior to AGM for review, and present at the AGM.

(f)    prepare preseason budget for organization.

receive an honorarium to be set by the executive. (added by K. Campbell)
