2020-21 Hockey Covid 19 Update, News (Stratford Aces Girls Hockey)

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May 23, 2020 | Jan Ballantyne | 2551 views
2020-21 Hockey Covid 19 Update
First - hoping everyone is doing well and staying safe.
Second - a quick update on what we know (not much)  about return to hockey.
This information is from OWHA and Hockey Canada. As we learn more information we will pass this along to everyone. 

There are few definitive answers at this time and Hockey Canada is leading the Return to Sport analysis for Hockey in Canada


• There are NO sanctioned OWHA Hockey Activities at this time and NO date or format under which hockey may return

Options – discussion underway are driven by medical requirements such as social distancing and how hockey could go forward.

Tryouts – tryouts and the creation of teams are NOT permitted until further notice

Permission to Skate forms are not available at this time. Releases may be issued but are NOT valid until such time as hockey returns.

Outstanding Discipline – will be in place when hockey returns.
Certification – coach certification procedures are under review and may be online. The HP1 course has been cancelled until further notice. There is discussion at various levels as to the certification requirements when hockey returns. OWHA will post any certification courses that may be taken online.
Leagues – Leagues are currently on hold. The format of league schedules will likely change when hockey returns. Leagues are currently discussing options and are working with the OWHA office.

Provincials – Provincials for 2021 are currently on hold pending the timing and format of the return of hockey.

High Performance – the 2020 Esso Cup (Midget Female National Championship) was cancelled. OWHA’s May and June camps were cancelled. We are waiting final decision on summer camps and the status of the Ontario

Summer Games that were scheduled to start at the end of July.

Tournaments – the OWHA is NOT sanctioning tournaments at this time, nor approving team travel to tournaments outside the province. No tournament can accept registration or payment for a tournament for 2020/2021. No OWHA team may register for tournaments inside or outside Ontario. Any tournament that has already collected/accepted registration/payment from a team needs to notify the teams and return payment

The following is a letter from Hockey Canada



First, and most importantly, to the front-line and essential workers who have gone above and beyond around the clock to keep Canadians safe – a simple thank you is not nearly enough for what you have done over the last three months.

Second, to our Members, partners, local hockey associations, volunteers and fans across Canada, thank you for keeping the spirit of hockey alive. Unprecedented times have called for unprecedented efforts at every level of the game. As provinces and territories phase in a plan to reopen in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are questions about when hockey will return, and how it will look when it does.

Hockey Canada and its Members are diligently working on a multifaceted return-to-hockey plan that will happen when, and only when, provincial and territorial governments and health authorities deem it safe to do so.

This plan includes everything from health and safety regulations to communications, seasonal structure, customer engagement and national teams.

As the return-to-hockey plan progresses, it will do so at different speeds, and at different times, across the country, based on direction from health authorities. And the game will look different, that much we do know. We ask for patience as we continue to work towards ensuring hockey plays its role in bringing the sports community back.

The health and safety of everyone involved in the game will determine when we return, not our desire to get back on the ice. When our country is ready, Hockey Canada will be ready. Until then, continue to follow the guidelines set by your provincial and territorial government to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Only by working together will we be able to make a difference and safely return.
