Apr 02, 2020 | Jan Ballantyne | 1612 views
Aces Online Awards Banquet Day 4
Rod Smith Financial Atom B's:
The Atom B Aces had a great season filled with improving their skills and lots of laughter and fun. I think that when you join a team; win, lose or draw, the things you take away the most are the memories and the friendships you’ve made. Each and every girl worked hard and always came together as a team on and off the ice. They
helped out in our community at the event “To Stratford with Love” as well as donating items for Stratford Optimism Place.
For extra motivation, I made a bet with the girls that if they scored, they could throw a cupcake in my face. Big mistake lol. Their smiling faces made my heart melt and made me see that hockey bring us together on so many levels. Some girls scored their first goals, some got their first penalties, some made saves they didn’t know they could make and we did it all together.
It was such an honour to be a female head coach to these amazing girls. I wish them every success in their future playing and I hope they will continue to play for as long as they can play because hockey teaches us so much and brings us together!!!
Congrats to all my Atom B Aces on a great season!!!
Best sport award - Brooklyn Finnie
Most improved - Chloe Schultz
Top defensive player- Lilly Hartwick
Top offensive player - Niamh Appel
Ace of the team - Adele Helson