Proposed Constitution Changes, News (Stratford Aces Girls Hockey)

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May 21, 2019 | Jan Ballantyne | 3423 views
Proposed Constitution Changes
The following changes have been proposed for the SGHA Constitution. Items numbered below will be voted on at the AGM on June 6th, 6:00 pm Games Room, Stratford Rotary Complex.
Each parent is entitled to one vote at the AGM for every child they have registered with SGHA.  You must attend the AGM in order to vote and you must be over 18 in order to vote at the AGM.

1.     Insert Article 2 and move all other articles ahead a number

Article 2 - The Colours - The purpose of this article is to promote team spirit.


The colors of the SGHA shall be Red, White with Blue accents.

             Team Wind Suits or Jackets shall be Red

             Other clothing shall be combinations of all three colours  

Colour considerations should not be applied to player provided on ice equipment such as but not limited to, helmets, gloves or pants.         


2.     Article 3 – Objective

Add B) To maintain and increase the interest in the game of Women’s hockey.

Add C) To have and exercise a general care, supervision and direction over the playing interest of its teams and players in accordance with the standards and playing rules as defined by the Ontario Women’s Hockey Association and Hockey Canada.


3.     Insert Article 5: The Membership and move all other articles ahead another number

Membership to this association shall be made up of:

a)    Board of Directors

b)    Members, consisting of:

                              i.        Registered Players

                             ii.        Parents/Guardians listed on Registration sheets in good standing

                            iii.        Approved Coaches, Trainers and Managers in good standing


4.     Article 6 – Board of Directors add Past President, increase Tournament Directors to 2, and add 2 more directors at Large to equal 8  


5.     Renumber 4.1 Elections & Appointments and make it Article 7

Add Following positions should hold a min 2 year terms  



Vice President



             Ice Scheduler / Webmaster


Add that each position shall hold office for a term at a minimum.

Add current term Board Members can resign on the day of the AGM for the purpose of running for another vacant position.


6.     Add Article 8 - Qualifications for Appointments

To qualify for positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Ice Scheduler/Webmaster or Registrar a candidate must have served on the board for the year preceding the AGM at which candidate is seeking election

To qualify for any other position on the board of directors the candidate must have been a member of the Association for the year preceding the AGM at which candidate is seeking election.

An exception can be made to above rules by necessity, if no candidate running for a position mentioned has the min. years of experience.



7.     Renumber 4.2 Duties of Directors and made it Article 9


8.     For President – add oversee the overall operation of the association and plan the future direction of the association.


9.     Add for Immediate Past President – assist in/and oversee the transition from one year’s Board of Directors to the next year’s Board of Directors, and added will have a vote in all meetings. Add that this position is at the leisure of the current board and shall be voted on.


10.  For the Vice President add parents to “attend all disciplinary hearings for coaches, players and parents”


11.  For the Treasurer change to include vice president for “have co-signing authority of all cheques along with the president and vice president.” And added by last board meeting prior to AGM instead of April 30. “prepare year-end financials by last board meeting prior to AGM for review, and present at the AGM.


12.  For Secretary – add “be responsible for collecting criminal record checks from convenors and ensure coaching staff has proper certifications” removed it from player coach development & rep convenor & house league Convenor.


13.  For Special Events Coordinator – remove – “oversee and approve the arrangements made by the convenors for their respective banquets.” Added assist with tournament – parent volunteer schedules.  Added Organize and run “try girls hockey day” annually. Remove - Shall organize sub Committees as needed


14.  For Sponsorship/Public Relations add “promote and advertise registration and special events” and remove “promote girls hockey and attempt to increase membership through advertising in the Leisure Activity Guide or other means.”


15.  For Rep Convenor – change from “be present at all team orientation meetings, monitor tryouts and evaluations, attend practices and games as needed” to “be present at all team orientation meetings, monitor tryouts and evaluations, if requested by the coaching staff, otherwise the coaching staff can note The Rep Convenor at the parent meetings if they have any concerns.” And Change “organize the annual Rep awards banquet and obtain approval from the Special Events Coordinator  to “organize the annual Rep awards banquet and obtain approval from the executive with the planned”


16.  Add Director(s) at Large shall:

a)    There will be a minimum of 8 positions per year.

b)    Participation in Board of Director Meetings

c)    Represent the league with the membership

d)    Assist with other positions as necessary

e)    Participate as subcommittees as deemed necessary.


17.  Combine AGM & Monthly Meetings Section and call it Meetings for Article 10


18.  Change the seven voting board members present to form a quorum to “a majority vote of all board members”


19.  Add “If an Officer or Director has a conflict of interest respecting a mater of subject to a vote, such Officer or Director shall disclose the conflict of interest and the Officer/Director will not vote.
