Dec 23, 2018 | Jan Ballantyne | 2527 views
Merry Christmas from the Stratford Bantam A Aces.
The Bantam A Aces team celebrated the Christmas season by giving back to the community that they so proudly play hockey for. The group of 17 girls brainstormed a list of necessary personal items that would help those struggling on the streets to have a moment where they could feel taken care of and cared for. With a list of over 28 items that included toothbrushes, paste, combs, Tim Hortons cards etc. and an
inspirational quote, these young ladies and their families were able to create 50 “Bags of Blessings” for St. Vincent De Paul to be handed out to those in need. In addition to this thoughtful contribution, the Stratford Bantam A Aces also spent an afternoon caroling at Spruce Lodge nursing home, where they were able to connect with and bring joy to the community.