Tryout Fees for Rep Teams, News (Stratford Aces Girls Hockey)

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Apr 17, 2014 | Jan Ballantyne | 3828 views
Tryout Fees for Rep Teams
Tryout fee for Atom, Peewee and Bantam is $80 (non-refundable) and is due at the first tryout - no exceptions. For Midget A, the first tryout (May 5th) is FREE and the tryout fee for the remaining three tryouts will be $50 and is due at the 2nd tryout - no exceptions. For Novice the tryout fee will be $40 and is due at the 1st tryout - no exceptions. Players will not be allowed on the ice without the tryout fee. There are no refunds or discounts of the tryout fee. Players are guaranteed the first 2 scheduled tryouts. Tryout fee also includes September ice times.
