Nov 16, 2023 | Sean Cameron | 914 views
Welcome To The Stratford Aces Festival Cup Tournament
On behalf of the Stratford Aces
organization, we would like to welcome everyone to the annual Stratford Aces
Festival Cup tournament.
This will be the tournaments 25th anniversary and we are so glad that
all the teams will be a part of the event. While in Stratford we
encourage you to visit our town, check out the downtowns unique shops, and
discover our amazing selection of restaurants. We are excited for game
play to start and we hope you enjoy the weekend. Please feel free to stop
into the tournament office located and The RBC arena with any questions or
concerns. A special thank you to all our sponsors and the arena staff,
but most of all, thank you to our dedicated tournament direct Mr. Terry Soper
for all of his efforts leading up to the tournament and ensuring it runs
Good luck to everyone and #RollAces
Sean M.R. Cameron
President, Stratford Aces