Aces 2023-24 AGM Update, News (Stratford Aces Girls Hockey)

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Jun 08, 2023 | Kaye McLagan | 2763 views
Aces 2023-24 AGM Update
The Stratford Aces AGM was held June 7th at the Rotary Arena.

It was a bittersweet meeting as we said goodbye to some veterans who have held positions on the Board for many years but welcomed a few new faces to fill some roles for the 2023-24 season.

We would first like to thank Kim Campbell, Steve Campbell, Jamie Gethke, Brianne Smith, Amy Taylor, Andrew Taylor, Cheryl McNeil and Jason Clarke for their many years serving on the Board - you will be missed and we appreciate everything you have done for the Aces!

The Aces Board would like to give a warm welcome to Laura Pethick and Carrie Uniac as new Board members who join the following returning for another year: Sean Cameron, Scott Wilgust, Jason Dietz, Jan Ballantyne, Kaye McLagan, Joe Tigani, Darcy Helson, Courtney MacIntosh, Terry Soper, Tyler Devereaux, Tyler Canal, Jeff Iacobellis and Megan Howe.

There are currently 5 positions vacant on the Board. If you are interested in joining the Board of Directors, please reach out to Sean Cameron ([email protected]) or Scott Wildgust ([email protected]). The next Aces Board Meeting will be June 21st at 6:30pm.Stratford Aces 2023-24 Board of Directors:

President - Sean Cameron
Past President - Vacant (will remain vacant and is a non-voting member)
Vice President - Scott Wildgust
Treasurer - VACANT
Registrar - Jason Dietz
Ice Scheduler - Jan Ballantyne
Director Coach/Player Development - VACANT
Equipment Manager - Jamie Antonio
Webmaster/Social Media Director - Kaye McLagan
League Liaison - Joe Tigani
Sponsorship - Darcy Helson
Secretary - Courtney MacIntosh
Tournament Director - Terry Soper
Tournament Director - VACANT
Rep Convenor - Tyler Devereaux
Special Events Coordinator - VACANT
Director at Large - Laura Pethick
Director at Large - Tyler Canal
Director at Large - Carrie Uniac
Director at Large - Jeff Iacobellis
Director at Large - Megan Howe
Director at Large - VACANT
Lifetime Member - Fiona Kipfer
