Apr 30, 2017 | JWieringa | 1965 views
Bantam A 2017-18 Final Roster
I would like to thank all of the girls who came and skated with the Bantam Stratford Aces this April. Hard work, great attitudes and a willingness to be coached made for an enjoyable "tryout season" and caused many sleepless nights as we tried to determine the girls to make the team. For those not successful in making the top team I encourage you to skate Monday with the second team where I have no doubt you will have a great season. Please check the website for details.
At this time the coaches of the Bantam A Aces are proud to announce a group of motivated, hardworking girls who will make up the Stratford Aces Bantam A team:
Anika Akroyd-Snider
Bryanne Baker
Alaina Campbell
Paige Chebott
Taya Cornish
Sara Cowman
Emma French
Brooklyn Gethke
Hailey Goforth
Courtney Lott
Kennedy McGregor
Reese Ostriyznick
Raelyn Pennington
Reese Reinecker
Amelie Saunders
Lauren Taylor
Kayla Wieringa
A player/parent meeting will be scheduled soon and details will be sent out.
Congratulations girls!
Aces Coaches