COVID-19 - Milverton Arena, Stratford Aces Festival Cup Challenge Tournament, 2021-2022 (Stratford Aces Girls Hockey)
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Stratford Aces Festival Cup Challenge Tournament
COVID-19 - Milverton Arena
Standings & Schedules
U9 B
U11 A
U11 B
U11 C
U13 A
U13 B
U13 C
U15 A
U15 B
U15 C
U18 A
U18 BB
U18 B
This Tournament is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
COVID-19 - Milverton Arena
Milverton Arena Covid-19 Visitor Screening
COVID-19 Visitor Screening - Perth East
COVID-19 Conditions of Use Perth East Recreation Complex - Arena
These conditions are in addition to those listed within the Rental Contract. The rental agreement holder is required to share all conditions of use with all participants.
Rentals Groups and Patrons are responsible for following established Provincial health and safety regulations, policies established by the Township of Perth East and sport governing bodies.
Any and all users of the PERC or other Township facilities / buildings are reminded that these areas are being made available for use at your own risk. Note that an inherent risk of exposure to communicable diseases including but not limited to COVID-19 may exist in any public places where people are present.
As a user of the PERC or other Township facilities / buildings you are required to adhere to all applicable Township policies, practices, procedures at all times relating to the use of public Township spaces including but not limited to complying with any and all directions given by Township representatives relating to COVID-19 measures.
By visiting any arena or other publicly accessible spaces you voluntarily assume any and all risks including but not limited to risk of injury, loss, damage, bodily harm, property damage, illness, death, personal harm, property loss, and possible exposure to communicable diseases including COVID-19.
We remind you of your obligations to follow the COVID-19 precautionary guidelines being recommended by various Canadian health authorities, including Huron Perth Public Health, Ontario Health and the Public Health Agency of Canada.
The renter of the facility ensure all patrons entering complete Active Screening and must;
a. Record the name and contact information of every patron who enters the facility,
b. Maintain the records for at least one month,
c. Only disclose those records to a Medical Officer of Health, an inspector, or otherwise required by law.
All patrons must answer Yes or No to the following Screening Questions that will be displayed at the front entrances:
1. Do you have any of the following new or worsening symptoms or signs?
• Fever and/or chills
• Cough or barking cough
• Shortness of breath
• Decrease or loss of smell or taste
• Muscle aches/joint pain
• Extreme tiredness
Revised October 28, 2021
2. Have you travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days and been told to quarantine (per the federal quarantine requirements)?
3. Has a doctor, health care provider, or public health unit told you that you should currently be isolating (staying at home)? This can be because of an outbreak or contact tracing.
4. In the last 10 days, have you tested positive on a rapid antigen test or home-based self-testing kit? If you have since tested negative on a lab-based PCR test, select "No."
If a patron answers YES to any one, of the questions above, the individual is not to enter the facility AND the individual should contact their health care provider or Telehealth Ontario (1-866-797-0000) to get advice or an assessment, including if a COVID-19 test is required.
As per Provincial Regulations and Huron Perth Public Health recommendations, all person entering the facility are required to be Fully Vaccinated (i.e., including the 14-day period after receiving their completed dose).
Following screening, all patrons must present to the Township staff or hired contractor, as applicable, satisfactory evidence demonstrating that they have received the completed series of an Accepted COVID-19 Vaccine alongside proof of identity.
The proof of identification and proof of vaccination against COVID-19 requirements do not apply to those:
a. who are under 12 years of age;
b. who provide a written document, completed and supplied by a physician or registered nurse in the extended class, that sets out, in accordance with the Ministry’s guidance,
(i) a documented medical reason for not being fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and
(ii) the effective time-period for the medical reason;
ALL patrons entering the facility SHALL wear either a medical facemask or a non-medical face covering and are required to continue to wear in all areas in the facility including the entrances, exits, dressing rooms, washrooms, corridors and spectator areas.
Participants utilizing the ice surface are also required to wear facial coverings until they are ready to go on the ice with their helmets on.
Visitors are required to practice physical distancing by standing at least 2 metres (6 feet) away from any other visitor(s). All spectators are to be seated only in the designated areas.
Revised October 28, 2021
• Participants are to arrive no more than 30 minutes before their rental time.
• Youth Participants are to come with their equipment on – other than skates, helmet and gloves.
• Participants will enter the facility through the main entrance, complete active screening and proceed to show proof of
vaccination (if applicable).
• Participants are to follow the directional signage to the dressing rooms and ice surface area.
• Spectators are to arrive no more than 30 minutes before their rental time.
• Spectators will enter the facility through the main entrance complete active screening and proceed to show proof of
vaccination (if applicable).
• Spectators are to follow directional signage to the spectator area.
Dressing rooms will be available for participants 30 minutes before the start of the rental time. Participants are to stay in their rooms or remain in their chairs until ice is ready and they will proceed onto the ice through the designated ice entry point in a physical distanced format.
Dressing rooms will be sanitized and disinfected after each use. Dressing room washrooms are open for participant use only. The showers in the dressing rooms may be used. All dressing rooms that are not in use will be kept closed and locked. Participants must vacate the dressing rooms and facilities within 30 minutes after the end of the rental time.
Masks are to be worn in the dressing room and physical distancing is to be maintained.
Participants and spectators will not be permitted to exit through the main entrance.
Participants will be asked to follow the directional signage to exit the facility thru the dressing room hallway side or end of hallway exit doors. Do not re-enter the lobby area to exit the facility.
Spectators will be asked to follow the directional signage to exit the facility thru the side exit doors
Revised October 28, 2021
Patrons are to practice proper hand hygiene techniques often. Hand sanitizer dispensers are placed at all entrances and throughout the facility. Avoid touching your face and cover your cough or sneeze. Wash your hands often and maintain physical distancing of 2 m (6 feet).
Spitting is prohibited; this includes spitting of sunflower seeds