COVID-19 - Stratford Arena's, Stratford Aces Festival Cup Challenge Tournament, 2021-2022 (Stratford Aces Girls Hockey)

This Tournament is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
PrintCOVID-19 - Stratford Arena's

Covid-19 Screening Questionnaire 

COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire - Stratford


Assumption of Risk 
The Corporation of the City of Stratford in collaboration with Huron Perth Health continues to monitor the COVID – 19 situation.
Any and all users of the City’s arenas or other City facilities / buildings are reminded that these areas are being made available for use at your own risk. Note that an inherent risk of exposure to communicable diseases including but not limited to COVID-19 exists in any public places where people are present.
As a user of the City facilities / buildings you are required to adhere to all applicable City policies, practices, procedures at all times relating to the use of public City spaces including but not limited to complying with any and all directions given by City representatives relating to COVID-19 measures.
By visiting any arena or other publicly accessible spaces you voluntarily assume any and all risks including but not limited to risk of injury, loss, damage, bodily harm, property damage, illness, death, personal harm, property loss, and possible exposure to communicable diseases including COVID-19.
We remind you of your obligations to follow the COVID-19 precautionary guidelines being recommended by various Canadian health authorities, including Huron Perth Health, Ontario Health and the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Face Coverings
In accordance with Huron Perth Public Health, ALL visitors entering the facilities MUST wear either a medical facemask or a non-medical face covering. Participants utilizing the ice surface are also required to wear facial coverings in the dressing rooms until they are ready to go on the ice with their helmets on.
Parent/Guardian supervisors and spectators are required to wear a medical facemask or a non-medical face covering in all areas in the facilities including the entrances, exits, dressing rooms, corridors, and spectator areas.

Physical Distancing
Visitors are required to practice physical distancing by standing at least 2 metres (6 feet) away from any other visitor(s). All spectators are to be seated or standing only in the designated areas. Employees will be reminded not to touch their faces and to practice physical distancing by standing at least 2 metre (6 feet) away from guests and other employees when possible. Please protect yourself, your family, and your community by socially distancing from anyone from outside of your household.

Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer dispensers will be placed at the designated facility entrances/exits and high contact areas. Visitors are to utilize these dispensers upon entering the building and whenever as needed. Visitors are also encouraged to wash their hands on a regular basis.

Dressing Rooms
Dressing rooms will be available for participants 30 minutes before the start of the rental time. Dressing rooms will be sanitized and disinfected after each use. Dressing room washrooms are open for participant use only. All dressing rooms that are not in use will be kept closed and locked. Participants must vacate the dressing rooms and facilities within 15 minutes after the end of the rental time to allow staff time to clean and disinfect the dressing rooms after each use.

Entering the Facilities
Before entering a facility, all patrons must answer Yes or No to the following Screening Questions that will be displayed at the front entrances:
1. Do you have any of the following new or worsening symptoms or signs?
• Fever and/or chills
• Cough or barking cough
• Shortness of breath
• Decrease or loss of smell or taste
• Sore throat or difficulty swallowing
• Pink eye
• Runny or stuffy/congested nose
• Headache
• Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea
• Stomach pain
• Extreme tiredness
• Muscle aches
• Falling down often
2. In the last 14 days, have you travelled outside of Canada AND been advised to quarantine per the Federal quarantine requirements? If you are an essential worker who crosses the Canada-US border regularly for work, select “No”.
3. In the last 14 days, has a public health unit identified you as a close contact of someone who currently has COVID-19?
4. Has a doctor, health care provider, or public health unit told you that you should currently be isolating (staying at home)?
5. In the last 14 days, have you received a COVID Alert exposure notification on your cell? If you already went for a test and got a negative result, select “No”.
If you answer YES to any one of the questions above, PLEASE DO NOT enter this location AND contact your health care provider or Telehealth Ontario (1-866-797-0000) to get advice or an assessment, including if you need a COVID-19 test.
Participants will enter the facilities thru the appropriate entrance and be asked to follow the directional signage to the dressing rooms and ice surface area. Participants are to stay in their rooms until ice is ready and they will proceed onto the ice through the designated ice entry point in a physical distanced format.

Exiting the Facilities
Participants and parent/guardian supervisors who are within the facility will not be permitted to exit through the main entrance. Participants and parent/guardian will be asked to follow the directional signage to exit the facility thru the designated exit doors. Do not enter the lobby area to exit the facility.

Rental Times
Participants are to arrive no more than 30 minutes before their rental time. All rentals include the regular 10 minutes of ice resurfacing time in the rental allotment.
For scheduled games, participants are to arrive no more than 30 minutes before the rental time.
All participants and spectators are required to vacate the facility within 15 minutes of the rental time.

Participant & Spectator Numbers
Effective Monday, October 25, 2021, capacity limits have been lifted to allow 100 percent capacity in all areas of sports and recreational fitness facilities, including spectator areas, sporting areas, dressing rooms, and changerooms.

Rules and Regulations
1. All participants and patrons will be expected to follow the directional arrows and signage when moving throughout the facility.
2. All participants and patrons will be expected to use the hand sanitizer stations at the entrances and exits of the facilities.
3. All participants and patrons must follow the direction of On Duty staff.
4. There is to be no sharing of water bottles. Participants should maintain their own water bottle.
5. Helmets are mandatory for all ice users. Full face coverings are strongly recommended for ice users.
6. Benches are not to be accessed by coaching staff until actual ice time is to begin. The benches are required to be cleaned and disinfected by staff after each rental.
7. Spitting anywhere in City Facilities is strictly prohibited.
8. Purchases in the lobby area at machines or snack bar should only occur when entering the facility.
9. Staff is challenged to ensure facility cleanliness is maintained at all times. Please provide staff with adequate distancing if you absolutely must speak to the staff member.
10. In order to protect staff and our clientele, any discrepancy requiring negotiation should be put in writing immediately following the rental time and directed to the facility manager. The manager will address the concern during business hours.

The Corporation of the City of Stratford Policy Manual

Policy Number: C.1.16
Policy Section: Community Services
Department: Community Services
Date Adopted: September 22, 2021
Date Amended: October 26, 2021
Scheduled for Review:
Date of Last Review:
Policy Type: Administrative Policy

Proof of Vaccination – Community Services Indoor Facilities
Policy Statement:
As of September 22, 2021, the Ontario government will require patrons to be fully
vaccinated and provide proof of their vaccination status and proof of identification to
enter certain businesses and organizations, with a focus on higher-risk indoor public

Settings where patrons must be fully vaccinated include:
• Indoor areas where spectators watch sporting events
• Indoor areas of casinos, bingo halls, and other gaming establishments.
• Indoor areas of facilities for sports and recreational fitness activities, including
personal fitness training
• Indoor areas of meeting and event spaces (e.g., banquet halls and conference /
convention centres)

A person is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 if they have received:
• The full series of a COVID-19 vaccine authorized by Health Canada, or any combination of such vaccines,
• One or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine not authorized by Health Canada, followed by one dose of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine authorized by Health Canada, or
• Three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine not authorized by Health Canada.
• They received their final dose of COVID-19 vaccine at least 14 days before providing the proof of being fully vaccinated.

Effective on September 22, 2021, to enter the City of Stratford Community Services facilities, including the Rotary Complex, Burnside Agriplex, William Allman Arena, and Dufferin Lions Arena, with limited exemptions:
• The patron must provide proof of being fully vaccinated and proof of identification at the point of entry.
• Screening and entry staff must review and confirm the proof.
• Other public health and workplace safety measures will still apply, including masking and active COVID-19 screening.

Patrons include players, participants, coaching staff, team staff, parent/guardian supervisors, spectators, volunteers, and officials.
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination will now be required for anyone over the age of 12 who enters an indoor area of a sports or recreational fitness facility to participate in, coach, officiate, or watch organized sport. The requirement will come into effect on October 31, 2021.
If a patron makes the decision to not disclose their vaccination status, they will not be permitted to enter the City of Stratford Community Services facilities.

In settings where proof of vaccination is required, patrons do not need to prove they are fully vaccinated in the following circumstances:
Individuals under a certain age:
• Children under the age of 12.

Patrons with a written document by a physician or a nurse practitioner, stating that they are exempt for a medical reason from being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and the effective time period:
• Must present identification and a written document.
Examples of identification documents to confirm the proof of identity include:
• Birth Certificate
• Citizenship Card
• Driver’s Licence
• Government (Ontario or other) issued identification card, including Health Card
• Indian Status Card / Indigenous Membership Card
• Passport
• Permanent Resident Card

Everyone entering the facilities is required to complete COVID-19 active screening and must wear a face mask or face covering. All coaches and team staff are required to wear a face mask or face covering in all areas of the facilities including the dressing rooms, change rooms, and team benches.